Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Seven Plays in Seven Holi-Days 2010

Greetings Fans!
Only 18 days until Christmas! Why not get in the holiday spirit by seeing seven holiday-themed plays in one night? That's like a concentrated Christmas colonic... only much more entertaining!

Come and see Carol perform in Seven Plays in Seven Holi-Days. n.u.f.a.n. ensemble presents "Seven short holiday plays by Chicago's leading name in festival theater... Sexy Santas and funky families collide in this annual holiday tradition."

When? Monday, December 13, 2010. 8:00 - 10:00pm

Where? PropThtr
3502 N. Elston
Chicago, IL

How Much? Only $10! Where else can you get so much entertainment for so little?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pokój Tobie!

Zastanów się do czego dążysz ponieważ pożądanie może spowodować, że stracisz ostrożność i możliwość zaspokojenia jego w pożyteczny dla Ciebie sposób.

Radości z życia!