Friday, September 17, 2010

Tales Tombstones Tell II

Greetings Fans!
Autumn is upon us, and the weather is perfect for an evening cemetery stroll! Why not join the West Chicago City Museum for the 21st annual Tales Tombstones Tell? Costumed interpreters (Carol) will entertain and educate visitors on local historic figures who now reside in the cemetery. This will be Carol's second annual appearance in the graveyard, and she will be telling the story of Mark Brown.

Friday, October 1, 2010 at Oakwood Cemetery, York Street and Oakwood Avenue, West Chicago. Tours begin at 6:30 PM and continue every 10 minutes. The final tour starts at 7:45 PM. Tours are free and last approximately 45 minutes. Refreshments will be served, and donations are welcome and appreciated.
For more information, contact the West Chicago City Museum at (630) 231-3376, or