Hello fans! We've returned from our trip to Hawaii (as promised, more pictures will be forthcoming as I get some time to go through them). In the meantime, Carol has returned to her busy rehearsal schedule for
Wizard, which open this Friday, 11/17 at Wheaton Drama.
In addition to all that, Carol had to make an unexpected trip to the ER this weekend. Appendicitis? (No-- true Carol fans will know that she is already sans appendix). Broken leg? Fever? Uncontrollable rash? Nope. Fortunately, this trip to the ER just involved some very long nights in the cold Chicago streets. Carol received a call from EXTRAordinary Casting to see if she could be available for some scenes for an episode of ER which is shooting this weekend downtown. Not one to pass up an opportunity to potentially bump into John Stamos, Carol accepted.
Last night Carol worked on a scene at an L station. As Neela and Gates (Stamos) are walking up the L platform stairs, Carol is coming down. Good conditions for Carol-sighting (look for her long gray coat with red earmuffs).
We suspect that this could be the episode that will air on
November 30 (Tell Me No Secrets), based on circumstantial evidence. (Laura Innes appeared to be directing, and she is credited as Director, per the episode guide; Forest Whitaker was on set, and he is credited as a guest star in this episode; some people had heard it was episode 10, and the episode guide shows the production code to be 130
10. We suspect this phrase of the episode synopsis is where Carol's appearance might fall: "Gates pours on the charm, but Neela’s not impressed".)
Carol is downtown tonight shooting a second scene. More details will be posted as I get them. Set your Tivo/DVR now! (you're not still using a VCR, are you?!)